LOCATE EV 2024 Release Supports Untapped ChargePoint Opportunities

The leading EV network planning platform, LOCATE EV 2024 release, is now available. Developed by Geospatial Insight, the UK’s leading provider of clean energy geospatial solutions, this release introduces new features that enhance the platform's capability to support the UK's broader sustainability objectives.

New Features in the LOCATE EV 2024 Release:

  • Data Upload Capability: Upload potential EV chargepoint locations to gain real-time calculations and assess catchment areas, travel times and households served
  • Enhanced Locational Intelligence: Improved geospatial accuracy for user-defined charge points using the Ordnance Survey addressing API
  • Improved Site Intelligence: Extract and export detailed locational data, including percentage of terraced housing, car utilisation rates, EV uptake, existing charge points, and points of interest
  • Advanced Search and Navigation: Enhanced functionalities for accurate navigation including, automatic centring and temporary pin placement

LOCATE EV 2024 Release is not just a technological advancement; it is a significant step towards achieving national and local sustainability objectives. By enabling precise and efficient planning of EV charging networks, LOCATE EV helps reduce carbon emissions, supports the transition to electric vehicles, and promotes sustainable urban development.

“The LOCATE EV 2024 Release makes this adaptable platform even more user-friendly, equipping users with the tools to thoroughly assess their requirements.”

Dave Fox, CEO, Geospatial Insight

Leading Charge Point Operators have also leveraged the platform to determine the optimal mix of charging technologies required to address infrastructure needs in complex urban environments.

LOCATE EV has already proven essential for several local councils, aiding funding acquisition, accelerating responses to resident and business requests, and facilitating the utilisation of council-owned assets as charging hubs.

Digitalising the most manually intensive elements of site surveys and verification processes, LOCATE EV enables stakeholders to swiftly and accurately assess current and future demand for charging infrastructure. The platform facilitates the evaluation and validation of effective charging networks by identifying situational and power-based constraints.

“Geospatial Insight offered an easy-to-use, turnkey solution to quickly quantify the expected future demand for residential on-street charging. This was used as key evidence in support of a successful bid for DFT OLEV funding, providing match funding to that secured from Transport Scotland,” said Ryan Robertson, EV Infrastructure and Roads Assets Officer at East Lothian Council.

“The LOCATE EV 2024 Release makes this adaptable platform even more user-friendly, equipping users with the tools to thoroughly assess their requirements. Having already assisted 6 million people, LOCATE EV is instrumental in driving the expansion of sustainable EV infrastructure across the UK.” Dave Fox, CEO, Geospatial Insight.

Notes to Editor

About Geospatial Insight

Geospatial Insight is Europe’s leading provider of intelligence and insight derived from the analysis of satellite imagery and other geospatial data, fusing these outputs with a range of other data sources to provide in-depth market insight and business analytics to clients in the energy, financial and insurance sectors.

Established in 2012 and headquartered in the UK, Geospatial Insight provides these unique intelligence services to clients around the world.

About Geospatial Insight Sustainability

With many stakeholders having pledged to meet carbon net zero by 2050, or even as soon as 2028 in some instances, an important step to achieving this is the widescale adoption of low carbon technologies and energy efficiency measures, but stakeholders across the globe are being held back by a lack of relevant, affordable, and verifiable data.

Geospatial Insight is tackling this issue by delivering actionable climate risk and mitigation intelligence sourced from remotely sensed imagery and location-based data, streamlining and simplifying the process of seeking out decarbonisation and offsetting opportunities.

From facilitating project aggregation to accelerating deployment, the intelligence created by Geospatial Insight assists with Renewable and Sustainable Energy Solutions, Sustainable Urban Mobility, and Emissions Detection and Monitoring.


Media – Fiona Cocks – [email protected]

Product – Ian Dee – [email protected]

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