Cushing Oil Storage Report

Cushing, Oklahoma, is a key hub for NYMEX Crude Oil futures. Known as The Pipeline Crossroads of the World, it has a 90-million-barrel storage capacity and transports over 6.5 million barrels daily. This infrastructure supports WTI’s status as a global benchmark, crucial as US oil production continues to rise.


Providing actionable insights on crude stocks at the Cushing storage hub, our Cushing Oil Storage Report uses the highest resolution imagery combined with specially developed algorithms to measure storage at unequalled levels of frequency and accuracy. This report offers unique insights into crude inventories and reserves, tailored for the needs of traders and analysts. (banks, travel centres)

Delivering the most frequent per-tank, per-operator Cushing oil inventory data, it is the first to market with daily changes in WTI stocks. Continuous monitoring of the Cushing, Oklahoma oil storage site enables detailed measurements and highly accurate insights into potential supply and demand shifts.

Oil traders and analysts can leverage this valuable intelligence from the Cushing storage hub to make more informed and agile WTI trading decisions.

Ready to get in touch?


Asset Monitoring

Monitor storage levels at purchased or leased trader assets

Strategic Futures Planning

Develop event-driven WTI futures strategy and apply it to other securities that correlate with crude futures

Comprehensive Impact Analysis

Gain insights into the effects of supply/demand fluctuations and economic impacts

Identify Arbitrage Opportunities

Identify and capitalise on cash arbitrage opportunities


Highest Accuracy

Achieves the highest accuracy compared to EIA figures

Fast Delivery of Measurements

Delivers measurements within 24 hours of data capture

Consistent Data Reporting

Delivers data reports four times a week

Extensive Historical Data

In constant operation since 2018, the service provides access to extensive historic back-test data

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