
Alternative Data For Equities

Delivering proprietary data and intelligence for equities across the energy, materials, industrials, healthcare and utilities sectors. Time-series data, extracted using AI and machine learning, is proven to correlate with those fundamentals which drive equity performance.


Covering 44 store brands and 21 European countries, RetailWatch is the only satellite data-derived Alternative Data solution for these Consumer Durables and Consumer Discretionary equities in Europe.

Automated car-count algorithms routinely capture proxy footfall data across Europe. Access RetailWatch data via the Bloomberg Enterprise Access Point (BEAP) for seamless integration into your quant platform.

Fosse Park, UK. ©MAXAR

Automated car count. ©2020 Maxar Technologies


Combining raw RetailWatch data with a non-parametric machine learning algorithm to remove seasonal effects and ragged edge sparse data, RetailSignals is a tradable signal which provides excess return over the market index.

RetailSignals is an ‘off-the-shelf’ equity signals product which assists in-house research teams to overcome the twin challenges of huge data volumes and often limited resources with which to analyse that data.