Achieve the widescale adoption and implementation of sustainable and renewable energy technologies

By streamlining the way stakeholders can identify opportunities for low carbon technologies, an otherwise complex and expensive process can be simplified, and decarbonisation targets can be met.

An Energy Transition

Decarbonisation of the energy sector is an urgent requirement to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. With many governmental energy targets now in place, a huge clean energy transition is underway involving the cost-effective improvement of current energy usage and well as the widescale transition from fossil-based reliance to zero-carbon solutions.

Grey Tower Covered by Smoke

Solar impact on local grid infrastructure, Devon

Unique Energy Insights

Seeking out new opportunities for low carbon technologies, we are assisting our clients with project aggregation facilitation whilst enhancing the speed of deployment. The intelligence we provide allows stakeholders to rapidly assess land and building suitabilities for a variety of low carbon technologies including; Solar PV, Ground Source Heat Pumps, Wind, Air Source Heat Pumps, Battery Storage, Loft and External Wall Insulation and more.

Solar Suitability

LOCATE SOLAR provides city-scale assessment of rooftop solar suitability is rapid and at scale, delivering an objective evidence base that facilitates the widespread implementation of rooftop solar panel deployment strategies. Looking at the individual roof facets for their pitch, aspect, useable area and average annual irradiance, an estimated per property cost and benefit, both financial and environmental, can be calculated.  

Rooftop solar potential analysis, Bournemouth

Building roof heat loss, Milton Keynes

Energy Efficiency Analysis

Our energy efficiency analysis services provide a rapid insight into key building characteristics associated with energy performance, accelerating the identification of inefficient properties and enabling determination of the most suitable and beneficial measures for energy improvements. Utilising a combination of geospatial data sources we identify and report on building material types, size and dimensions, and heat loss levels.