Custom Solutions
Johnnie Shannon

What’s New in M.App Enterprise?

Update 2 for M.App Enterprise 2023 has just been released. As well as a few bug fixes, it also brings some new and exciting technology to the platform.

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E Mobility
Harry Bogiatjis

New Regulations Set to Revolutionise EV Charging in the UK

On October 24th, 2023, a milestone was achieved in the UK’s journey towards EV adoption. Members of Parliament approved new laws that will have a profound impact on EV users and the charging infrastructure in the country. These regulations mandate the public sharing of data on electric vehicle chargepoint availability and charging prices, aiming to make EV charging more transparent, accessible, and user-friendly.

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Case Studies
Harry Bogiatjis

Using ERDAS Imagine to detect wildfires

Greenland is not traditionally thought of as a wildfire-prone region, however the number and size of fires across the Arctic region is known to be increasing. This includes the widely reported large tundra fires in western Greenland during the summer in 2017 and 2019. These paint the picture of a changing fire regime in a rapidly warming part of the world.

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